Our partners

logo-2Atelier architecture

Our long-term cooperation with this studio  brings exciting and practical solutions to architectural exterior and interior.

Záborská 23, 040 01 Košice

Ing. arch. Kristína Kristiánová, Ing. arch. Stanislav Mráz, Ing. arch. Oľga Kristiánová, Ing. Milan Olšavský, Ing. Marián Viazanka, Ing. Michal Tkáč, Tereza Vargová

image10Ateliér Porubän – ART.EXCENTER

In collaboration with the studio Poruben we have done several high-quality projects from sketch to final implementation. We can always count on quality and modern solutions as product of our mutual cooperation.

Werferova 1, 040 11 Košice

Ing. Mgr.art. Ján Porubän



Sika company is active in the field of special chemicals dividing its activities into two business areas: construction chemicals and industrial sealants.

Sika Slovensko spol. s r.o., Rybničná 38/e, 831 06 Bratislava


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