
Here you will find an overview of all relevant certificates.

Licencia č. 13/078/LIE

Príloha k licencii 13/078/LIE

Osvedčenie o vykonaní skúšky odbornej spôsobilosti

Licencia č. 12/029/L

Príloha licencie č. 12/029/L

Certifikát BS OHSAS 18001:2007

Certifikát ISO 9001:2008

Certifikát ISO 14001:2004

Certificate ISO 9001:2008
Established and duly implemented and company applies it in accordance with the standard ISO 9001:2008

Certificate ISO 14001:2004
Established and duly implemented and company applies it in accordance with the standard ISO 14001:2004

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